Medical laser hair removal we offer in our clinic is a safe and effective way of getting rid of ingrown or unwanted hair. Compared with electrolysis, it has several advantages: It is less painful, so anesthesia is not necessary. Each treatment session requires much less time (ex. several minutes for both armpits). You do not have to refrain from shaving prior to treatment. Both the GentleLASE and the GentleYAG lasers are used for hair removal in our clinic. If the skin is irradiated with these lasers, the energy is mostly absorbed by the pigment in the hair and its surrounding tissues. When absorbed, laser energy turns into heat, which destroys the hair and its root. As a result, hair regeneration is delayed for a prolonged period, if not permanently. The lasers we use in our clinic are especially safe because they are equipped with a special cooling system. By spraying cooling gas immediately before each impact of laser irradiation it protects the skin surface from damage caused by heat. The cooling gas also lessens the pain you may feel with the laser impact. Immediately after laser hair removal, there is often some redness and swelling around pores, which disappears in several hours to days. The treated skin may feel itchy for a few

laser depilation
days. It is also possible that the destroyed hair remaining in the follicle comes out after several days as if it were growing back, but it falls out spontaneously. It is important to avoid direct sun exposure of the treated skin for a week or two. Though uncommon, persistent redness and temporary darkening are possible. Other side effects are very rare, and serious consequences can be avoided by contacting your doctor without delay in case of an unexpected event. Hair grows in cycles lasting for weeks to months. Not all of the hair to be removed is present at the time of treatment. Also, at the end of the growth cycle the hair is long and its root is too short and contains too little melanin to absorb sufficient laser energy for complete destruction. For these reasons, several sessions of laser treatment are thus always necessary in order to remove all the hair. Intervals between two consecutive sessions are usually six to eight weeks, but may vary from three weeks to three months. The effect of laser hair removal depends on the person, and is influenced by a number of factors, such as the color and thickness of the hair.