● Please do not cancel or change your appointment unless it is absolutely unavoidable. We appreciate your awareness of the fact that it will greatly inconvenience the clinic as well as other patients.
● A penalty applies if you cancel/change your appointment WITHIN 72 HOURS of your appointment and in case of no show, regardless of the reason. Half an hour will be added to your consultation time at your following visit without notice. You will also be charged for being seen longer than half an hour earlier or later than the time of your appointment.
● If you wish to have a laboratory test, please specify the test so that we can give you necessary instructions if applicable.
● We do not accept Japanese public health insurance. For reimbursement by private insurance or institutions such as embassies, you have to file a claim with your insurer or your employer yourself.
● If a claim form needs to be filled in by a doctor for insurance reimbursement, it will incur a charge unless it is done during the consultation. Please note that filling out a claim form of a full A4 page or more always incurs a charge per page.